Friday 3 April 2015

Lovely Quotes on Life Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life For Her Images In Hindi For Husband Tumblr Photos Images

Lovely Quotes on Life Biography

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What greater things is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other... to be are one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
Love is missing someone whenever you are a part, some one how warm inside because your're close in heart.Where there is no exaggeration there is no love, and where there is no love there is no understanding.Wind is to fire like distance is to love; it extinguishes the small and en flame the great.If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred plus one day, so I never leave you alone.Never close your lips to those whom you have opened your heart.When you understand, that what you're telling is just a story. It isn't happening anymore. When you realize the story you're telling is just words, when you can just crumble up and throw your past in the trashcan, then we'll figure out who you're going to be There are times in my life when I have been medicine for some while poison for others. I used to think I was a victim of my story until I realized the truth; that I am the creator of my story. I choose what type of person I will be and what type of impact I will leave on others. I will never choose the destructive path of self and outward victimization again.Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death.  (quoting an obituary) 'There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence calls the whole world into question. All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.' Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings” 

― J.R.R. Tolkien I made for the door, and the moment I had my hand on the knob, Elijah pulled me back, again. That’s all he’d been doing. His hazel eyes bored right into me as he said, “I don’t want your money. I don’t care what you had to do to make it; I just care that you’re alive.” Eli did that nervous thing I’d figured was a habit and bit the inside of his bottom lip. Shamefully, my eyes tracked the movement. “I didn’t bring you here because I was drunk, T. Yes, I was a bit out of it, but I was mostly intoxicated by the sight of you. No alcohol could do to me what you did last night.second one my mother.she was like watching me very first time -her fingers are too long and beautiful''-i looked back to her voice.she continued -'yes .i never noticed before ..'' i used to heard very ugly comment about my skin color or my may be i never meet the right person who looked at and say- you are beautiful'.

is it necessary ?psychology of a person takes a shape on various conditions . one is the truth. you must know the when i look at me i get surprised - why i never got the truth? and on that basis i thought on society no one will have love for me .so whatever is coming on my way that is only i deserve.

it is surprise for me- i had no idea about of myself.all my mistakes done by based on my misconception .and if something good came to me- i started to think no i dont deserve this.because i can not make any one happy.

a child need truth about her quality and beauty .that is one tool to make her decision correct .if childhood injected by ugly racist false impression can have big impact . sometimes a child can be talented in various ways,and people don't appreciate because they don't say the truth.because of jealousy or ignorance .society has this racist attitude which destroy many life to grow in correct manner.
as a normal human being i always looked at me as people make me to see,and i was not enough educated psychologically that i am taking myself the skin of a death opinion .
life has given me a lesson it late to know i am talented ?or i am beautiful?or i can be loved by equally much more talented people than me?
perhaps no.i am late.but happy to know the truth.because of the sentence ''you dont ask for more,you are ugly,black''helped me to take wrong decisions .why i am writing this?because life ask me to so.that no one who is talented beautiful by heart do feel less than anything she dream for.
today i looked at me - i am in pain,love,pampered by destiny,and i feel 'yes i deserve to be one part of this world. this is a story of a life what is happening this moment somewhere one should think less about themselves.” 


Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

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Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images  

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images  
  Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images  

   Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images  

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 

Lovely Quotes on Life 
Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi  

For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 

Lovely Quotes on Life

Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends 

On Life for Her Images In Hindi for Husband 

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