Friday 3 April 2015

Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life For Her Images In Hindi For Husband Tumblr Photos Images

Inspirational Love Quotes Biography

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To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded
People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.Dad always said a person must have a magnificent reason for writing out his or her Life Story and expecting anyone to read it.
Unless your name is something along the lines of Mozart, Matisse, Churchill, Che Guevara or Bond - James Bond - you best spent your free time finger painting or playing shuffeboard, for no one, with the exception of your flabby-armed mother with stiff hair and a mashed potato way of looking at you, will want to hear the particulars of your pitiable existence, which doubtlessly will end as it began - with a wheeze.Deep Wisdom Thoughts, Love Thoughts, Motivating quotes, motivational quotations, love quotes, funny quotes, inspirational Sayings, famous quotes, life Quotes. A collection of inspirational quotes on topics including success, life, leadership, teachers, love, friendship, happiness, success, faith, nature, positive, success quotes,sayings, poems and stories. Wise sayings and proverbs from famous leaders, writers and notable people and around the world.As we rocked to the classic tune “Be Happy” an important message was being delivered: LOVE YOURSELF FIRST BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO LOVE OTHERS!If you don’t have love for yourself then you are unequipped to effectively love anyone. To that end, if you don’t love yourself first you will consume yourself with others’ opinions, which will set you back even further.What we need to realize is that life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about us. Know and remember that if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn’t have the time to sit around and talk about you.What’s important is not others’ opinions of you, but what you think of yourself! LOVE THYSELF FIRST!Know in your heart that your love for yourself will be the most important love that you will ever receive!To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.There are times in my life when I have been medicine for some while poison for others. I used to think I was a victim of my story until I realized the truth; that I am the creator of my story. I choose what type of person I will be and what type of impact I will leave on others. I will never choose the destructive path of self and outward victimization again.
  Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life  For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes  Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes Lovely Quotes For Him For Friends On Life 
For Her Images In Hindi For Husband  Tumblr Photos Images 
 Inspirational Love Quotes 
Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends 
On Life for Her Images In Hindi for Husband 
Tumblr Photos Images 

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