Sunday 12 April 2015

Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images

Greatest Love Quotes Biography

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You scared the shit out of me last night, so forgive me if I don't want to hear fine as an answer."
I rubbed my eyes, hoping it would keep the burning tears away. The warm water of the shower had finally calmed the tears, but the thought of Noah walking away brought them back. 
"What do you want to hear? That I'm exhausted? Terrified? Confused? That all I want to do is rest my head on your chest and sleep for hours, but that's not going to happen because you're leaving me?"
"Yes," he said quickly, then just as quick said, "No. Everything but the last part." He paused. "Echo, how could you think I would leave you? How can you doubt how I feel?"
"Because," I said as I felt the familiar twisting in my stomach. 
"You saw me lose it. You saw me almost go insane."
The muscles in his shoulders visibly tensed. 
"I watched you battle against the worst memory of your life and I watched you win. Make no mistake, Echo. I battled right beside you. You need to find some trust in me ... in us."
Noah inhaled and slowly let the air out. His stance softened and so did his voice. 
"If you're scared, tell me. If you need to cry and scream, then do it. And you sure as hell don't walk away from us because you think it would be better for me. Here's the reality, Echo: I want to be by your side. If you want to go to the mall stark naked so you can show the world your scars, then let me hold your hand. If you want to see your mom, then tell me that, too. I may not always understand, If you love someone, when it's the most real, the most important thing in your life, it's not enough to coast. You need to dig in those footers, start building on that base. You want something to last, you put your back into it.


Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed.


Happy is love or friendship when returned--
The lovers whose pure flames have equal burned.
BION OF SMYRNA, "Friendship"

A lover is like a firefly,
lighting your life for a moment,
then leaving you to deal with the darkness
Until it flashes again.
RICH REITH, "Soulmate"

Love is a warm brain, not a leaping heart.


Love made you vulnerable; if you gave your heart to another, they could leave you or die.


Love is always right.


If you love someone, then your freedom is curtailed. If you love someone, you give up much of your privacy. If you love someone, then you are no longer merely one person but half of a couple. To think or behave any other way is to risk losing that love.

LAURELL K. HAMILTON, Obsidian Butterfly

Love and money should properly have nothing to do with each other.

JOHN SAUL, Guardian

If you think love makes you happy, you've either never been in love, or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.

LAURELL K. HAMILTON, Obsidian Butterfly

Love, however doomed, had the capacity to attach buoys to the soul.

ARIANA FRANKLIN, Mistress of the Art of Death

Love must be first and last, the part, the whole;
Must fill the human void as ocean fills
Its broadest channels, ancient as the hills,
And slightest shell o'er which its waters roll.

All human love is a faint type of God's;
An echoing note from a harmonious whole;
A feeble spark from an undying flame;
A single drop from an unfathomed sea:
But God's is infinite; it fills the earth
And heaven, and the broad, trackless realms of space.
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 

Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Greatest Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 

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