Tuesday 14 April 2015

Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images

Long Love Quotes Biography

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When my husband died, because he was so famous and known for not being a believer, many people would come up to me-it still sometimes happens-and ask me if Carl changed at the end and converted to a belief in an afterlife. They also frequently ask me if I think I will see him again.Carl faced his death with unflagging courage and never sought refuge in illusions. The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again. I don't ever expect to be reunited with Carl. But, the great thing is that when we were together, for nearly twenty years, we lived with a vivid appreciation of how brief and precious life is. We never trivialized the meaning of death by pretending it was anything other than a final parting. Every single moment that we were alive and we were together was miraculous-not miraculous in the sense of inexplicable or supernatural. We knew we were beneficiaries of chance. . . . That pure chance could be so generous and so kind. . . . That we could find each other, as Carl wrote so beautifully in Cosmos, you know, in the vastness of space and the immensity of time. . . . That we could be together for twenty years. That is something which sustains me and it’s much more meaningful. . . . The way he treated me and the way I treated him, the way we took care of each other and our family, while he lived. That is so much more important than the idea I will see him someday. I don't think I'll ever see Carl again. But I saw him. We saw each other. We found each other in the cosmos, and that was wonderful.” Look," I said, "We knew Jason and Becky would be back, the break would end. This isn't a surprise, it's what's supposed to happen. It's what we wanted. Right?"
"Is it?" he asked. "Is it what you want?"
Whether he intended it to be or not, this was the final question, the last Truth. If I said what I really thought, I was opening myself up for a hurt bigger than I could even imagine. I didn't have it in me. We changed and altered so many rules, but it was this one, the only one when we'd started, that I would break.
"Yes," I said.” 
“He loved her for being so beautiful, and he hated her for it. He loved how she put shiny stuff on her lips for him, and he also reviled her for it. He wanted her to walk home alone, and he wanted to run after her and grab her up before she could take another step.” “Love is … born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation!”- Unknown 
“Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love.”- Virgil 
“What is a kiss? Why this, as some approve: The sure, sweet cement, glue, and lime of love.”- Robert Herrick 
“To be loved, be lovable.”- Unknown 
“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.”- Saint Jerome 
“If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than it was because he was he and I was I.”- Unknown 
“The eyes those silent tongues of Love.”- Miguel de Cervantes 
“All for love, and nothing for reward.”- Edmund Spenser 
“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”- Mother Teresa 
“Love is not what we become, but what we already are.”- Stephen Levine 
“Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love.”- Charlie Brown 
“Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.”- Iris Murdoch 
“If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love.”- Thich Nhat Hanh 
“If the love you think you felt goes away quickly, then what you felt was never love to begin with.”- Henry Mac
“Things we do, we do for ourselves. But that which we love we have no choice but to give away.”- Edmond Medina 
“True love is like a fine wine, the older the better.”- Fred Jacob 
” If love is a sin, punish me by kisses. And if love is a crime, I wanna be your victim.”- Julie 
“A kiss isn’t worth anything until you give it to somebody else.”- Unknown 
“The love in our hearts wasn’t put there to stay, for love isn’t love until you give it You are my whole heart, Scarlet. And this is breaking it.'

My heart cracked open and clear dropped out of me. My mouth opened, and I looked round me and stamped my foot. 'Does this look like a good time to tell me that, you damn stupid boy?' I meant to sound mean but my voice wobbled. 'Now?'
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 
Long Love Quotes Lovely Quotes for Him for Friends On Life for Her Images In  Hindi for Husband Tumblr Photos Images 

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